
The December Student of the Month is Mateus Paixao.  Mateus is a Grade 10 HVAC student from Salisbury, and is the son of Nicole Sanborn and Gustavao Paixao.

Mateus was nominated by his shop instructor Mr. Wade.   He shared "Mateus is an amazing student for any teacher to have. He always gives everything he can on every assignment. He has great attention to detail and is never afraid to give a new project a try. Mateus is always willing to help his classmates and has become a dependable student in our shop and the school."

In addition to being a standout in the classroom, Mateus is also involved in SkillsUSA and plays football.  Coach Bradley echoed Mr. Wade, stating that Mateus is one of the hardest workers on his team.  Always looking for ways to improve, Mateus dedicated himself to improving his strength and fitness and impressed his teammates and coaches this season, working his way into a spot on the starting roster.  Coach Bradley is excited for what he will bring to the team as a leader next year.  

Congratulations, Mateus!