Wildcat speed skater wins two medals in Special Olympics

Junior Dan O’Neill speed skated his way to two medals at the Special Olympics Winter Games February 22-23 in Simsbury, Connecticut. Dan, who studies Business and Marketing Technology, has been participating in the Olympics since age 3. He started off roller skating and by the age of 13, he took his talents to the ice rinks and began skating for Special Olympics Connecticut. 

“I felt good, excited, and happy to be there,” he said. Some of his favorite activities during the weekend involved socializing. “I looked forward to the dance and just getting to see all the people that are just like me,” he said. “I’ll continue to do the Special Olympics even after high school.” 

During the competition on Sunday, Dan participated in the 5-lap and 7-lap skating races.  He won a bronze medal in the 7-lap race, and a silver medal in the 5-lap race. “It’s a memorable experience that more people should have,” he said.  

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