Freshmen "Halftime" Show Midterm Week 2022

The NCAA may have “Selection Sunday,” but here at Whittier, we have shop selection during midterm week! While upperclassmen take vocational and academic midterms, the freshmen are spending time together before the big day. Tuesday students had extended physical education including a mindfulness lesson, time in the fitness center, and played team sports in the gymnasium. Wednesday, students rotated through stations like tug of war, rock paper scissors, giant jenga and notes to their future selves. Tomorrow, Thursday January 20, 2022 the class of 2025 will hear from a current student panel and then come home with their shop selection forms.  Shop placement will take place during Term 3.  Friday students will hear from student organizations and listen to motivational speaker Aaron Polansky. Stay tuned on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for more images from the week!

Kathryn Parsons