WT Student Government Honors Veterans

Today during the Morning Announcements, Student Government honored all veterans in advance of tomorrow’s Veterans Day. Senior Class Vice-President Chase Bowen read a thank you speech that he wrote collaboratively with fellow Seniors Gracie Campbell and Class President Tatum Colgate.

You can find the speech below:

Veterans Day holds its origin at the end of World War I when at the eleventh hour on the eleventh day in the eleventh month, when the battle came to an end with the signing of the armistice.

We take this day to honor all of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice of their lives to serve in any and all American wars.

We would like to formally thank and honor our veterans in the building.

Thank you, Bruce Boisselle.

Thank you, Andy DeFillipo.

Thank you, Dave Cunningham.

Thank you, John Rumore.

Thank you, Jim Donahue Sr.

Thank you, Richard Gaudette.

Thank you, James Razza.

Thank you, John Murphy.

Thank you, Matthew Thorne.

Thank you, Joseph Young.

We appreciate you and look at you with nothing but the utmost respect. We hope you enjoy your coffee and baked goods.

Thank you to the members of the Student Government, alongside their advisors Elizabeth Devenney and Monica Marino, for coordinating this. Student Government would also like to thank the Culinary Department for their collaboration in treating our veterans with free coffee and baked goods from the Poet’s Inn Cafe.

In observance of Veterans Day, there will be no school at Whittier Tech on Friday, November 11th, 2022.

Deborah Santos