Schedule Changes for MCAS Dates in March & May

Due to MCAS testing requirements, the following dates will be running on a 3 hour delay for Grade 9, 11, and 12 students:

  • March 22 & 23

  • May 17 & 18

Grade 10 students will be attending AT THE NORMAL SCHOOL START TIME as they will be taking the MCAS exams during this 3 hour window. Grade 10 students will follow their usual routine for attending school - buses will pick you up at the normal morning times, etc.

Whittier Tech buses will still transport grades 9, 11, and 12, but on a three-hour delay; so, for example, if your bus pick up is normally 6:20 am on the above listed four dates, the bus will pick up at 9:20 am. 

Lunch will be served for all students.  

It is important that we have excellent attendance during these days even though they are a half-day for grades 9, 11, and 12.

Whittier Tech