Summer CTI Program: "We are moving!....To our new careers!"

Today marks the last day of the Summer CTI Program. 58 students completed the program, with most off to employment and all with various skills.

Our talented Welding students have taken a giant step forward in their journey towards becoming skilled welders! Crafting a powerful symbol of their progress, these students have ingeniously designed and constructed their very own moving dollies. Guided by a simple drawing on the dry-erase board, they transformed their ideas into personalized blueprints, tailoring their dollies to match their own heights and needs. Armed with newly acquired welding and fabrication skills, these future welders unleashed their creativity using an array of tools, welding processes, and machines.

Welding students and their instructor show off their moving dollies they made in the shop.

As Welding Instructor Chris Gerber aptly puts it, "This project signifies a fresh chapter in their lives as they march towards promising careers. Not only a skill trial but a tangible tool for their future homes." 

Welding student Dan Murray couldn't be happier, "Crafting my own moving dolly was a remarkable step-up from previous projects. What's thrilling is that this creation will accompany me for a lifetime!"

Fellow welding student Joel Lambert adds, "This project enriched my understanding of fabrication and boosted my blueprint interpretation skills. Learning at its finest!"

Congratulations to all of our CTI Students, Instructors, and Staff for successfully completing the Summer 2023 CTI Program. We are hoping to grow the program in 2024.

Deborah Santos