#WildcatWednesday - Meet Mr. Madden

Every Wednesday we will be showcasing a different staff member here at Whittier Tech!

This week is Mr. Travis Madden! Mr. Madden teaches 11th and 12th-grade Math at Whittier. He finishing up his second year at Whittier. Mr. Madden also coaches track and soccer.

Here are some fun facts about Mr. Madden:

What do you like about Whittier: At Whittier, I like working with students and preparing them for their lives after high school. It's awesome to work with great colleagues and a great senior class.

Fun Fact about yourself:  I like to travel, go hiking, fishing, and running. I've run two half-marathons and am working my way through the White Mountains in New Hampshire.

Mr. Madden’s advice to students: My advice to students would be to challenge yourself and try new things. Putting yourself in new situations will only make you stronger and ready for new obstacles. 

Thank you, Mr. Madden, for your continued support of the students of Whittier Tech!

Stay tuned next week to meet our next staff member!

Deborah Santos