Mega Kitty Turns 3!

Three years ago today, Whittier Tech students and staff finalized the Wildcat mascot that sits in front of the school: Mega Kitty.

Mega Kitty is seven-feet tall and 18-feet long. Metal Fabrication Instructors Chris Gerber and Steve Palmer organized the project with their students. The cat’s design was completed in Autocad and its blueprints were fed into a Vicon plasma cutter that created the metal pieces used to put it together. Students used a power shear to cut the edges and formed the metal in rollers and a brake machine. The pieces of metal were then tacked together with welding tacks, and a skeleton framework was built inside the cat to keep it from buckling. Mega Kitty was then sent to students and staff in Auto Body for the finishing touches. Metal Fabrication and the Maintenance crew then helped move Mega Kitty into position for the 2019 Open House. After riding on the Santa Parade float that year, Mega Kitty was moved to the front of the building.

Let’s take a look at back at the creation of Mega Kitty!

Mega Kitty oftens dresses up for various occasions, thanks to Mr. Porcelli.

Happy birthday, Mega Kitty!

Deborah Santos