Whittier Tech Math Department Announces Students of the Term for Term 1

The Whittier Tech Math Department is pleased to share the Term 1 Students of the Month! Each student received a certificate “for exemplary effort and achievement in the area of Mathematics for Term 1 of the 2022-2023 school year.” The certificates were signed by the student’s Math teacher and the Math Cluster Chair, Ms. McDonald. The goal of the Math Department is to showcase students’ outstanding math growth and achievement on a quarterly basis by selecting one student from every grade, once a term, to be recognized in their mathematics classroom.

Freshman Jayden Torres was nominated by Math Teacher Ms. Munroe.

  • “Jayden started in CP2 at the start of the school year and impressed Mr. McDormand with his math skills, insight, and questions.  We made the decision to push him right up to honors.  He joined the class in the middle of a complicated computer-based STATs lesson and he caught up flawlessly!  In class, he asks insightful questions.  He is excited about learning.  He is self-motivated.  He is one of the most polite students I have taught in a long time.  For these reasons, he is an excellent model for his classmates and he is a JOY to teach!”

Sophomore Isabella Drysdale was nominated by Math Teacher Ms. Simmons.

  • “This student excels in all areas. She is respectful, hard-working, and insightful. She takes careful notes and works hard on assignments. She offers support to her peers and is a great role model in our classroom.”

Junior Nicolas Almanzar was nominated by Math Teacher Mrs. Kastrinellis.

  • “Nick is one of those students who come into class and the room comes alive--whether he's joking with his classmates or trying to convince me to allow his friend Anthony to be able to sit next to him---a running line in class because the answer to date is "no" (lol).  But during partner and group work, I've observed Nick patiently and carefully explaining how to perform a complex calculation to his group members.  Nick is a natural leader, but he leads by example and not be dictating what everyone has to do.  He presents detailed work to support his answers on quizzes and is able to navigate his IPad correctly for classwork, google quizzes, and links to related support materials.  He has a positive growth mindset and I believe he will be highly successful when he graduates as he is unafraid to take academic risks and attempt calculations that he has not completely mastered. Nick is also caring and compassionate towards his classmates and I've observed on more than one occasion that Nick will go out of his way to try to cheer up a fellow classmate.  I am also impressed with how Nick balances his school work, football and everything else in his life.”

Senior Lana Viola was nominated by Math Teacher Ms. Teixeira.

  • “Lana asks extremely thoughtful questions. She tries very hard to really understand and internalize Calculus. Also, she reaches out via email when she needs help during her vocational week.”

Math Students of the Month for Term 1 pictured left to right: Sophomore Isabella Drysdale, Junior Nicolas Almanzar, and Senior Lana Viola, all from Haverhill. Not pictured is Freshman Jayden Torres from Haverhill.

Deborah Santos