Whittier Tech Educational Foundation - Holiday Fund Update

On November 29th, the Whittier Tech Educational Foundation officially kicked off its annual Holiday Fund campaign. During this annual campaign, Whittier’s staff and vendors join to help our students and their families who may need assistance during the holiday period.

As of today, the Foundation has received $16,585 in donations for the Holiday Fund. This morning, the following was distributed:

  • $50 Market Basket gift cards to 67 students for Thanksgiving

  • $50 Walmart gift cards & $35 School Store sweatshirts to 73 students for the Holidays

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this Fund to help our students. If you are interested in contributing to the Holiday Fund, you can donate on the Foundation website. https://foundation.whittiertech.org

Our next Whittier Tech Educational Foundation Event will be held virtually on Tuesday, January 10th at 2:10PM. Community members are welcome and encouraged to join us -- if interested in attending the meeting, interested individuals can email Tia Gerber (Director of Community Partnerships) at tgerber@whittiertech.org for the virtual meeting link. They are always looking for new community members to join the Foundation.

About the Whittier Tech Educational Foundation

The Whittier Tech Educational Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that began in 2016. The Foundation’s sole purpose is to provide additional financial resources and community support that will augment the needs of the Whittier District. 

Student achievement, learning opportunities, and educator support will be the basis for all efforts of the Foundation, as the District prepares its students to be successful and productive members of society.

The Foundation runs events and fundraisers during the year to solicit donations, however, you do not need to wait to donate. To make a donation today, please visit the Foundation website by clicking here.

Deborah Santos