Whittier Tech Teachers In the Community

Over the course of the past month, Whittier Tech’s five Vocational Cluster Chairs participated in the Nock Middle School Speaker series for career exploration month. Nock Middle School is located in Newburyport.

The presenters detailed their own pathways to where they are today. The Nock Middle School Speaker program is intended to help eight grade students meet a variety of professionals to learn about their careers field, personal journeys towards each career pathway, and advice to students (as they look towards high school) if they are considering a career in this field. 

The Whittier Tech Vocational Cluster Chairs who participated in this program are:

  • Bruce Boiselle, Transportation/Manufacturing Cluster

  • Paul Boucher, Construction Cluster

  • Jane Moskevitz, Health Services Cluster

  • Scott Robertson, Technology Cluster

  • Linda Sarno, Business/Consumer Services, Art, Hospitality & Tourism Cluster

Vocational Cluster Chairs, from left to right: Mrs. Moskevitz, Mrs. Sarno, Mr. Boisselle, Mr. Robertson, and Mr. Boucher

Deborah Santos