Whittier Tech’s Mock Crash Event: A Sobering Lesson on the Dangers of Distracted and Drunk Driving

The scene (Photo Courtesy of DVC junior Nikki Bowman-Nadeau, from Haverhill)

Yesterday, Whittier Tech School’s parking lot turned into the scene of a tragic car crash. Fortunately, this was only a realistic reenactment, a meticulously organized Mock Crash Event spearheaded by WT School Resource Officer Ryan Connolly from the Haverhill Police Department. The aim was clear: to emphasize the severe risks of distracted driving, drunk driving, and other common causes of accidents, leaving a lasting impression on the students.

Senior Julia Tavares acts out a scene with Officer Pearl (Photo Courtesy of DVC junior Nikki Bowman-Nadeau, from Haverhill)

The story began with a group of student actors portraying teens driving at high speed under the influence of alcohol. The ensuing simulated crash was dramatic, complete with ear-splitting noise, portraying fatal injuries, shock, and disbelief among the characters. Within moments, with lights flashing and sirens blaring, the Haverhill Fire and Police Departments arrived on the scene. They got to work quickly, administering field sobriety tests to the driver and rescuing the surviving victims from the wrecked car. The scene was further intensified by the quiet approach of a hearse from Farmer and Sons Funeral Home, there to remove the “deceased.”

Following the intense outdoor demonstration, students moved to the auditorium. There, Haverhill Police Officer Jason Pearl and Haverhill Police Sergeant Zachary Phair, a Whittier Tech alum, shared critical information about road safety and the laws and penalties related to Operating Under the Influence (OUI) for both alcohol and drugs. They also told the poignant story of Karen Lapierre, a beloved Haverhill resident and foster mother who was killed by a drunk driver in 2011.

Officer Pearl speaks to students in the auditorium (Photo Courtesy of DVC junior Nikki Bowman-Nadeau, from Haverhill)

The event highlighted the severe consequences of dangerous driving behaviors. By showcasing possible outcomes such as injuries, fatalities, and legal repercussions, the Mock Crash aimed to instill a deep understanding of the risks involved in risky driving behaviors.

Seniors Sanaa White, left, and Bella Laverdure act out a scene with Officer Pearl (Photo Courtesy of DVC junior Nikki Bowman-Nadeau, from Haverhill)

Cast and Crew: Bringing the Lesson to Life

The realism of the Mock Crash was brought to life by Whittier Tech seniors:

  • Tommy Knight from Haverhill

  • Bella Laverdure from Haverhill

  • Jonah Mercier from Haverhill

  • Julia Tavares from Haverhill

  • Noel Tripp from Amesbury

  • Sanaa White from Haverhill

These students played the roles of the teenagers involved in the crash, their performances adding a poignant reality to the demonstration.

Adding to the authenticity, Whittier Tech Cosmetology seniors Serenity Bartlett from Amesbury and Alivia Eaton from Ipswich. These talented students applied special effects makeup, creating realistic injuries that enhanced the impact of the reenactment.

A Community Effort

Members of the Haverhill Fire Department work to remove a car door (Photo Courtesy of DVC junior Nikki Bowman-Nadeau, from Haverhill)

The success of the Mock Crash Event was a result of the collective efforts of various community members and organizations. Officer Ryan Connolly expressed his heartfelt gratitude, stating, "Special thanks to the members of the Haverhill Police, Haverhill Fire, Farmer and Sons Funeral Home, Pridestar Trinity EMS, One-Ten Towing, Whittier Tech Media Specialist Rich Porcelli, Whittier Tech Cosmetology, Whittier Tech Administration and Staff for supporting this presentation.”

In addition to Sergeant Phair, the event saw participation from four other Whittier Tech alumni:

  • Haverhill Fire Fighter Shane Surrette

  • Haverhill Fire Fighter Tim Stronach

  • Haverhill Fire Fighter Pat Taft

  • Haverhill Fire Captain Tom Helps

Their involvement showcases the strong community ties and shared commitment to educating young drivers about road safety. Thank you to everyone who participated in yesterday’s event.

Whittier Tech’s SRO Connolly served as the narrator (Photo Courtesy of DVC junior Nikki Bowman-Nadeau, from Haverhill)

A Lasting Impact

The Mock Crash Event at Whittier Tech was more than just a dramatic display; it was an urgent and powerful lesson on the real-life consequences of reckless driving. By vividly illustrating the aftermath of such behaviors, the event aimed to instill a profound and enduring understanding among students about the importance of safe driving practices. The hope is that these lessons will resonate deeply, ultimately saving lives and preventing tragedies on the road.

Farmer and Sons Funeral Home assisted with the reenactment (Photo Courtesy of DVC junior Nikki Bowman-Nadeau, from Haverhill)

*As we embark on these celebrations, we encourage everyone to prioritize safety and make good choices. Let us come together as a community to ensure that our students have a memorable and safe experience during this exciting time. There is so much to celebrate for the Class of 2024!*

Deborah Santos