WT Spirit Week Wrap-Up

Student Government ran a successful Spirit Week this week. Students and Staff participated in each day’s theme. Tuesday was Tropical Tuesday, Wednesday was Cartoon Character Day, Thursday was Class Color Day, and Friday is Whittier Day!

The Pep Rally was held on Thursday with the Seniors taking home the win. Senior Natalie Vienneau, from Groveland, sang a beautiful rendition of “The Star-Spangled Banner” to kick off the Pep Rally. Competitions included a football punt return, wheelbarrow races, and the traditional tug-o-war. Staff even got in on the action for the tug-o-war. Unfortunately for them, the seniors took home the win.

The Varsity football team hosted Georgetown on Thursday night where they secured the win.

Spirit Week officially ends tonight at Whittier’s Homecoming Dance. Be on the lookout early next week for a Homecoming Recap!

In the meantime, check out the album below for a Photo Recap of Spirit Week.

Thank you to Whittier Tech’s Student Government for putting on a fun Spirit Week. The Student Government Advisors are Elizabeth Devenney and Monica Marino.

Deborah Santos